Season 3 | Episode 6: "Food Trucking"
Austin, Texas: home to live music, weird vibes, and many, many food trucks. In this episode, we interview food truck experts on both sides of the register in order to discuss the rhetorical appeal of food trucks and why that appeal is so successful here in Austin. From the patron's point-of-view, food trucks are a polarizing part of food culture. For the people who run the food trucks, the truck is a fun and practical way to do what they love. Warm thanks go to our new food truck friends at Melvin's Deli Comfort, Hey!... You Gonna Eat or What?, Mighty Cone, and Skinny Limits.
You may stream the episode below. You may also download it via iTunes and Libsyn.
Image credit: Yelp! user M.M. ("Happy Nomad"). Uploaded 11/4/2014. Accessed 4/3/2015. Size and resolution have been altered.
Episode Producer: Sarah Riddick
Thanks to all of the food truck patrons and operators who allowed us to interview them.
Music credits: "The Strange Design of Conscience," written and performed by the Flaming Lips (2003); "Borderline," written by Reggie Lucas and performed by the Flaming Lips with Stardeath and White Dwarfs (2009).